#I'll tag stuff like this as 'shitposts' hows that
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
deoidesign · 2 years ago
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Me when time and time again finally comes back from hiatus
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katt1e · 4 months ago
Here's some crowlee
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Here's an aripiprazole
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overly-verbose · 9 months ago
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Seriously, bro's a professional yapper lmfao
Tbf it's not completely unprovoked and he does just want to at least try explaining some things, if in a roundabout way, to make people more at ease (if not in the moment then overall) but, well-
sometimes it has the opposite effect lmao 😂
Also like, it's absolutely hilarious how I thought
'oh but this is just, like three scenes - how long could this be'
but all the freaking talking and stuff that everyone's doing is making Part 8 the second longest in the series 😂😂😂💀😂
(I fear for my poor brain, man - we've only just barely almost covered the Detention Center Arc
(and a little bit of the VS Mahito Arc Mahito Gets Curse PTSD Arc but I do wanna fill in some of the gaps between those)
and it's already gonna be over 40k words???
Why am I being so ambitious for my first ever proper writing project frrr *perishes a bit*
but I do hope to get it to the end - and beyond because there's no way I wouldn't constantly add to the post-main-plot shenanigans lol - however long that takes heh (just try to be patient with me pls I try my best here 😂) 👍)
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fly-sky-high-arts · 1 year ago
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removing my locked personal account as well since I can't (and am drained of trying to) properly use the platform so if by chance you followed me on it uhh don't get spooked if it disappears tomorrow
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chonnysinferno · 1 year ago
wantign to write like. something maybe even a fic abt source memories but they're like... not canon... and it feels weird bc i know what was supposed to happen and it didn't it went so wrong hhhhhhhhhh the loop happned siighhhhs puts head in hands crumbles injto dust
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crashoutcore · 2 months ago
genuinely how do i use twitter to engage in fandom
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unadulteratedkr · 5 months ago
~Let's talk about credit~
(not financial credit trust me you don't want to take financial advice from me lol)
No, today I am inviting y'all to the table to talk about the importance of crediting other creators in fandom!
Because, listen. We don't have a peer-review system. We don't have to submit our stuff to a plagiarism checker or go through stringent editing when shitposting on tumblr; we operate in an honor system of crafting folklore using our favorite blorbos, and that means that inspiration and using the specific words and images from canon creates a grey area on what ought to be credited, and how to do it in a way that creates a solid, strong community.
Here's a little of my philosophy and how I give proper credit where it's due, so I figured I'd share them to hopefully encourage others in making sure no one out there ends up becoming fandom's James Somerton
1. Links are your friends, use them enthusiastically
Drooled over a gifset that made you write a poem? Read a fic that made you pull out your embroidery hoop? Saw some art that made you write a song? Link to the original! Tag the original artist, hyperlink to the giffer, share the fic via the amazing shortcut button on Ao3, it's what those creators deserve! Even if it's a shitpost, that creator is where your idea started, and it's the right thing to do to share directly where your audience can connect with the person who inspired you.
This holds INFINITELY true if you are directly quoting someone. If you've used someone else's words to create your own work, link back to the original. No one wants to be sent a fic or a funny post on tumblr and then feel the sinking pit in their stomach when they realize that post is their own words with someone else's name on them.
2. Ask for permission when you can
Now, the reason I threw the addendum on this with "when you can" is because knowing when to ask for permission is more of an art versus a science. I myself have written more than one fic inspired by art where I didn't reach out to the artist before I shared the fic because I had no contact with them (the joys of me refusing to touch the garbage that is the bird site). BUT this is why point number one is to always link back to the original inspiration, because I believe that should always be the bare minimum.
If you have a way of contacting the original fellow fandom person who inspired you? Reach out and ask them if they'd feel comfortable with you creating something! 999 times out of 1000, they're gonna be over the MOON you want to create something inspired by what they made, and they'll be really fucking pleased you reached out to check.
3. Ask yourself: is this a "two cakes" situation or am I putting my name on someone else's cake?
This is another one that can absolutely fall into a bit of a grey area. I have written many a fic that started out with me reading a take or a fic that went in a WILDLY different direction from what I was expecting or wanted, and I went "okay, fuck it. I'll write my own." And that's absolutely been a great motivator for me to start a project!
That is me creating a different flavor of cake, putting my own frosting on it, and probably adding something weird like lemon zest and instant coffee for a lemonade cappucino chiffon that shouldn't work (but definitely does, trust me)
If I were to have read a fic or a take and then gone, "Oh, yeah, definintely, here's the same idea but now I've rephrased it juuust a little and now it's under MY username on my blog".... that's slapping a different color of frosting on the same cake and claiming it's mine. If you find yourself doing that, I really invite you to pause and consider why you felt the need to do so instead of sharing the original post.
Like, not to bring Shakespeare into it (they say, poorly concealing their icon), but fandom can be exactly like how Juliet views love. Sharing joy in what others have created absolutely can be as "boundless as the sea [...] the more I give [...], the more I have, for both are infinite". It does not take away from the joy your fellow fandom friends will have in your own original work to share the work of others.
4. Hyping up your inspiration is FUN
Finally, this is more of me going "no really, proper credit isn't going to mean people love YOU less" because I truly believe in the power of how much FUN it really is to give credit where it's due. I was buzzing for WEEKS in anticipation of publishing Objection! and The 'I Duoy' Newlywed Special because the marvelous @jackuntiljune had brainstromed with me on the name for the boat my boys eloped on. And I get so fucking giddy when I see someone comment on those fics about the name of the boat because I get to take a giant breath and go "MY FRIEND JACK CAME UP WITH IT, AREN'T THEY AMAZING?!"
If you practice giving credit where it's due, I promise promise PROMISE it will become a joy. It's FUN getting to bring more people into the sandbox to play, and I know I love it when there's more than one person out there I can yell at (affectionate) when I've been emotionally destroyed (again, affectionate) by a gifset or art or fic <3
Thanks so much for reading this far! I can't wait to keep sharing inspiration with all of you out there
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purpdrawsthings · 8 months ago
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Artist, beginner animator, beginner writer
Sona : text
Kinsona : text
Hello and welcome to the blog!
You can call me Purple, Pur, or anything that you'd like! Except suggestive ones..
This post will be a whole introduction to me and my blog! You're encouraged to read the whole thing to better know me =]
CHAPTER 1 | More About Me
CHAPTER 2 | Not Allowed List
CHAPTER 3 | Fandoms
CHAPTER 4 | Tags
CHAPTER 5 | Ask blog
CHAPTER 6 | Socials
CHAPTER 7 | Special Lovely Mention
Anyways, long introduction under cut!
You might be thinking, what am I good at?
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My main talent is drawing! I'm improving on it but it's going out pretty well =]
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Here's some art examples showing what i can do from recently! I can do GIFs too =3
Animation is my second specialty! I'm learning more about it but animation can be a genuinely fun thing to do sometimes
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I have my own silly Sona =D
I'm a very open and social person! I love interacting with people. I'm that type of person to do a huge ahhhh project then be like "y'know what let's make more"
It might be surprising but I do tend to swear a lot! I apologize for that one.
I'll add more here but for now, this is what I got =3
Ofc I would I have a things I don't allow list. Or else this would be a real wreck.
Asks for donations
Yes I have answered some asks regarding this, but I seriously cannot donate.
I do feel sorry, I genuinely do. But, I should be honest that I can't donate, therefore, I ask for people to not spam my ask box with donations
Obviously huge no-no sign for me. I want this place to be as clean possible.
Any mentions of controversies, etc
Keep this place happy for all of those stuff. I'll only talk of it if it's terrible, but I'd like to keep this place not walking with negativity.
I'd prefer to be quiet about it.
Inappropriate behavior
This type of behavior will NOT be tolerated here. Any sign of it will be deleted, or you will be banned.
Anywaysssss with that one done let's get on with the next oneeeee
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I will mostly do SMG4 content but I'll try to do other content for fandoms I'm also in!
Such as...
Among Us
Murder Drones
Cookie Run
The Amazing Digital Circus
And etc =D
I also have a couple of aus that you might know/not know!
Brainwashed AU
Circus Showman AU
And more =3
I'm in love with Mr Puzzles aihsiahsodhosb... 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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Here's some tags that I use!
Aspen : #SMG4 Aspen
Rambles, reblogs, etc : #Purps random shitposts
Asks : #purps silly questions =]
Strawpage content : #strawpage
Purps AU's : #Purps original aus
Brainwashed AU : #SMG4BrainwashedAU
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My askbox it's very welcome for interactions with ocs, requests, and etc!
Feel free to ask me, I love reading what you all have! You can also send in fanarts if you want through there too, it's all perfectly fine =]
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Socials are also very very real =D
Twitter : @Purp_IsSus
Reddit : u/Purp_1456
Wattpad : @PurpIsSus
I do have Discord but thats private =]
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Lastly, don't forget to check our all the cool people in my follow section!
They all deserve a follow because of how amazingly great and good they are like check them out!!!!!
That's about all my lovelys!
Please enjoy my blog and have fun yippeeeeeeeee 💥💥💥💥💥
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inkedberries · 5 months ago
Hey! Prefacing this by saying that this isn't meant to be an attack (which generally isn't a great way to start a message but I'd rather be clear about intentions) and more so genuine curiosity. Apologizing in advance for this being long; I have a tendency to overthink and overexplain.
I don't typically interact with fandom outside of like... carefully curated little microbiomes. As such I haven't really encountered the whole proship/anti shit with any amount of seriousness since probably around 2018. I personally don't put much stock into either of the terms because there's far too much grey area and for the fact that (as per my understanding) exist as ethical frameworks, and I don't care much for subscribing purely to a single framework to the exclusion of anything else in terms of personal ethics and morality. At most with friends we tend to colloquially refer to incest + pedophile ships as proships, because that's just sort-of what the term has evolved to mean most strongly (again, at least in the circles I run in). I don't consider myself anti or proship or whatever the fuck else, because I generally don't care to involve myself with that kind of fandom drama. I'll involve myself over like, matters of being anti-bigotry but the rest is just something I haven't wanted to deal with for 5-6 years. Tagging + filtering + block functions exist for a reason, and I don't need to do anything more than prevent my feed from showing me those things. I generally just hit block and move on with that kind of stuff, especially because I'm anti-censorship for a variety of reasons.
Tl;dr on that: proship/anti aren't terms I really use or subscribe to, because I feel like they oversimplify everything and conflate "drama". From my understanding, I agree with proship ideology (????) in the sense that I believe censorship only fucks over everyone, and that you can just block + filter and move on. But at the same time I see this overall conception that 'proship' means you support/condone/etc incest and pedophilia and so on, which I really truly don't. But there is this really heavy perception that proship = this person ships (usually) pedophilic or incestuous relationships. A bit reinforced for me typically because when something like that comes across my feed and I go to block the person, they generally have 'proship' in their bio. That to acknowledge that I do have some bias in that, even if I know it's a correlation/not cause thing. That all being (over)said (and I'm SO sorry again about how fucking long this is, my twitter TL is having a meltdown and I've avoided all this stuff for so long I don't know if I'm missing something? Because ethically on my end there's no reason for me to block or whatever outside of just the word proship...? Two minutes for a quick search as as far as I can tell you don't participate in anything against my own comfort/moral beliefs. so) I guess I'm asking what your definition of proship is for yourself and why people are jumping to this conclusion of dislike so instantaneously? Obviously you're under no obligation to educate me on what I presume is fucking YEARS of fandom history, nor respond publicly or even at all. I'm only asking you specifically because this is the first time I've encountered 'being proship' ≠ shipping pedophilia etc etc. I think maybe I came across it way back when as a middle schooler, but I'm not about to trust any of my opinions/recollections from when I was that age lmao. But anyways. Just genuinely curious and wanting to understand because I'm wary of reacting too-quickly just because other people are, and especially so if it's actually a total non-issue for me. Sorry again for the insane rambling in this lol
hello!! i hope you don't mind me prefacing this response too by saying to please read this out fully, if you don't agree with the starting points i've provided, i hope you still continue on reading until the end💙 i think @/frownyalfred best words the defense i would most likely stumble on if i give it a go at answering your question with my own words
and this was a post made in 2016 (where a lot of ppl say is the year anti-shippers started sprouting up) and this is honestly what i mean when i say i hate antis
if anything, antis just started the propaganda that all proshippers are incest lovers and pedophiles and people ate it up like cats who haven't had wet food in three weeks. as proven by your friend group using the term as such? that's wild to me that ppl use the term proship like that, i hope the case i'm making will change that for you and your friend group.
no, proship literally is anti-censorship. ship and let ship. antis gatekeep, police shippers and harass anyone who doesn't ship their ship the RIGHT way. and it's not just the ships you say are 'harmful' or 'immoral'. i've shipped a rarepair before and the fandom at large did not like me shipping a rarepair so they started calling me a pedophile bc i aged up said characters???????? they'll find anything and i mean ANYTHING to twist everything i say and do to make it seem like it's "okay" for me to be harassed and bullied. "oh it's okay that i'm telling this person to die because they're gross," yeah no that behavior is So Much More Normal than a person shipping two fictional characters the "wrong" way. AND YOU KNOW WHAT'S FUCKED UP? ppl BELIEVED THEM LMAOOOO
and hey no sweat, i was like you once. i didn't define myself as proship or anti bc the real world exists but then in the one space i thought i'd be free from real life speculation and surveillance i get these anti policing assholes so yeah im a proshipper now lol just to get away from that bs. i honestly just want to have fun on here without judgement but i can't even have that lol that's why im all about blocking/muting.
you say your tl is having a meltdown? well shit, they're probably calling me names on there too. probably throwing out baseless accusations without fact checking bc i'm lowlife enough not be respected or given the decency of a fact check? or saying my art wasn't good anyway? bc gatekeeping their precious kudoichi is so much more righteous, top priority that they start slandering a real life person, right? no no no one disgusting should be touching or shipping our precious kudoichi lmao i hope you see how Not Right this is. kinda makes me feel sick for real lol
and i hope you understand how harmful this is not just to my mental state but my livelihood as an artist as these people would just start policing their fellow fans and just tell them not to support or view my art because im a 'proshipper' not even that, they'd probably just straight up say i support incest and pedophilia which are?????? such STRONG accusations to make????????? now they're just buzzwords. BUZZWORDS for antis to use to defame and cancel an artist! a real life person. over their precious fictional characters. over their precious kudoichi. oh man it makes it so much more stupid if i specify the ship, what is wrong with people sometimes😭
but hey im all about blocking and muting and unfollowing if you don't like my stuff i'm 100% for that but i hope they do it on their own terms. their own thinking. not because someone told them to.
and i dunno man that behavior of not even letting their 'friends' think for themselves, that they'd bash them too if they support me, my art, kinda seems like grooming don't it? or nah no im just looking into it. it might not be that deep. but i really yeah that's why i hate antis and why im more proship.
but hey i appreciate you even taking the time to come to me in the first place and uhhh idk i hope you found what you were looking for and that i answered your bit of curiousity there!
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stormbreaker-290 · 3 months ago
Intro post time <3
Heya, my name is Storm! im an artist, writer, gamer, professional simp, chronic fandom enjoyer, and shitposter.
i post art on here sometimes, (maybe even a coherent thought every now and again), and love to yap with my mutuals and friends about anything and everything :]
I'm in a lot of fandoms, but currently fixated on the fnaf DCA and a handful of me and my mutuals ocs.
On the topic of ocs, I Roleplay as one of my own! @static-x3 is the designated roleplay and ask blog for my main OC/sona, Static (ref TBA)
I use tone indicators a lot- and they're much appreciated so I can tell how ya mean things through text better :3c
I am a certified Tag Yapper, but I do try to tag things properly where applicable; my notable tags + other mentions will be thrown under the cut for your convenience <3
#beloved mutuals is my tag for mostly asks and other shenanigans with my Moots :]c
#storm draws and/or #storm doodles is where all my art goes :3
#storm rambles is most of my own posts :p
#storm loses it is the same as before but I live up to my blog title and go EXTRA bonkers in my rambles (only /neg sometimes)
#mutuals art <3 is where all my mutuals gorgeous art goes (I HEART MY MUTUALS GO CHECK THEIR STUFF OUT💥💥💥)
#malware my beloved is my main simp tag. you see my header?? Yeah, that's my friends DCA oc Malware. You're gonna be seeing a lot of him on here. He's . My husbanf <333
#malware my beloved but more is the same as before but where all my fanart of the lad goes o7
Header is by my lovely friend @bumble-the-sun-bee (the creator of Malware and many other wonderful characters)
Also, eat shit @gigabyte1027 I made my intro before the end of the year >:)
General DNI stuff. Don't be a shitty person, respect me and I'll respect you. If you don't like me or my content just block me and move on, i wont take it personally.
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mastercrownmonday · 9 months ago
You know how everyone shows Magolor, Taranza, and Susie as besties?
Well do you think the Master Crown, Dimensional Mirror, and Star Dream would also be besties?
Ok this ask reminded me of a shitpost I've been meaning to make so let's get that out of the way:
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You see, I always envisioned the Ultimate Evil Trio as Star Dream, Queen Sectonia, and Traitor Magolor. (I guess the Master Crown and Dimensional Mirror are technically along for the ride in this case?)
Anyways: you might be clairvoyant! I've been thinking A LOT about Star Dream in particular lately, including how it might feel about other Ancient Artifacts---like the Crown! (Note: okay the Star Dream brainrot is extremely obvious on my main account now but I swear that wasn't the case when I started writing this answer, ever so long ago. Lol)
I never considered a sentient Dimensional Mirror though... maybe someone else in the fandom has really juicy headcanons (feel free to share in the tags), but at the moment, I only have theories on its magic properties and relation to the magicians of the Mirror World. For example, I like to think that Simirror is from that world, and so they know a lot about the Dimensional Mirror.
As for the Master Crown and Star Dream: they would, theoretically, have a lot to commiserate about together, but I don't think they would actually get along. I won't reveal too much (since I'm still hoping to post some tangentially-related comics and stuffs in the future), but basically: their motivations and sympathies are completely different.
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If we are going to make a trio of Ancient Artifacts/eldritch abominations from the distant 10s, I would make it the Crown, Void Termina, and Star Dream. (this way we can preserve the holy domesticated trinity of cat, dog, and bird)
PS: Since you mentioned it, I'll give a small disclaimer... I actually prefer grouping Magolor, Taranza, and Susie as a bestie quartet with Marx. He may not be a 2010s girlie, but I think he balances the rest of them out and makes the dynamic more fun :)
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abyssal-author-and-artist · 4 months ago
My blog is generally pretty lighthearted and I stick to reblogging art and fic and fun stuff, but you know what. I feel like I need to say this.
I am a trans teen in the US. I'm seventeen, so too young to have voted. I'm terrified for my life right now. I usually post about college but I'm actually concurrently enrolled in high school still and the kid who sits behind me in first period government is a massive Trump fanboy. I'm going to have to go to high school Monday and talk about the election. I'm going to have to hear my deadname called and hear people in my super conservative high school talk about how happy they are Trump won. Everything is terrifying. I walk outside of my house and I'm scared I'll be shot. Several months ago I promised that I'd kill myself if that bastard won.
He did and I'm still here.
I'm not thriving. I'm not living my best life. I'm barely living. But I'm surviving. I'm coping. I'm trying my goddamned best. It's hard. I want so bad to just go and take as much medication as I can and slit my wrist for good measure and pass away in my sleep. But I'm still here. And I will be here.
I am in so much pain. But I'm living on spite and determination and everything I can scrape together. I know I need support and those around me need support. So consider this a support masterpost.
First thing you should see if you're a trans person in the US.
Here's a link to the Trevor Project and here's a link to their suicide hotline page. They've already saved my life once before. Please note - they recommend calling if you need immediate support. Donate if you can, please.
This post is both a suicide hotline masterlist and a post mentioning how something feels deeply wrong here with this election.
On the topic of something being wrong, sign this petition. I'm only seventeen but I did this and it might not feel like much but if we couldn't shoot that bastard (I am not pro-gun but I am when it comes to him) then we'll do the next best thing. Here's the link to the petition itself. Make sure to check the post every once in a while - the original petition got taken down and this is important.
I follow a lot of gimmick blogs, so I got to see this post encouraging us to be loud. Because we should be. Because if we die they've won and my mom didn't smoke weed on the steps of the state capital of Colorado to legalize it just so her son could roll over and die.
Here is the Tumblr Hot Beverage Masterpost, as I've taken to calling it. My personal favorites are the London Fog in the replies, earl grey with milk, honey, and vanilla (in the tags), and some additions from me are hot chocolate with peppermint melted into it, earl grey with lavender, caramel apple tea, and really anything else you can think of. Trust me. This post works better than you think.
Read this post if you haven't seen it already. It's half poem, half Tumblr being Tumblr, all wonderful to read.
Things I just like to see:
PM Seymour and Bettina Levy both have shown their support for everyone struggling right now. It might not be much, but I still really appreciate it and seeing support can really help.
The cat with the kind and reassuring face. No other context.
Four panel comic of hope. Because you're more than enough.
Can't find the post where I found this but this is a link to a virtual toy where you can make your own galaxy.
Please. Eat something. Drink a hot beverage. Draw, write, read, knit, sew, sculpt, bake, do something that helps. Reach out to friends, even if they're online friends. Talk to someone you trust. Make vent art. Write vent fics. It doesn't matter what you do as long as it helps.
Do not roll over and die. Live. Live on spite. Live on determination. Live on shitposts and live on heartfelt stories like this one. If you have anything to add to this post please do. Add more resources. Add more love to this post. I know I'm just a guy on the internet saying shit, but I still care about everyone who sees this post.
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ficcerspam · 8 months ago
Hi Hello, it’s me, Mimi, your resident @bloggerspam! [a humble fanfic writer]
Welcome to my new writing sideblog!
This blog will house all my masterposts, so it will function as my new Master-blog for all my writing and fics! (and for those of you who don’t want to see my shitposting lol)
Please be patient with me, as I slowly update everything to my liking. I'm still not sure exactly how i'll be treating this sideblog, but you might get an influx of reblogs of my main blog stuff to keep here for posterity. idk yet! For now, masterlists!
For more Original Works (i.e. short stories, poems, writing-prompt fills) please check the tag #mywriting on my main blog for now :)
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mugzymiik · 2 months ago
HELLOOOO my old intro post is way too long so uhmm heres a better less complicated one
LAST UPDATED: February 20, 2025
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HI HELLO!!! call me Gold. or October or Bug. those r my names but idgaf what im called as long as i can recognize it as me :D (pls don't call me Mugzy though)
i am bigender (transmasc + demigirl)!! probably!! gender has been hard lately!!!!!
any pronouns (but he/they + any neopronouns preference)
est timezone
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homophobics, transphobics, misogynists, racists, sexists, pretty much anyone whos bigoted and/or just an asshole
people who are under 13 (im an older teenager and i dont feel comfortable interacting online with people who arent even SUPPOSED to be online yet)
people who are or support transrace/transabled/transage/transx/transid/whatever the fuck
users or supporters of ai """"art""""
supporters of cryptocurrency/nfts of any kind
drama stirrers
supporters/friends of cintagonisupet
supporters/friends of hxngr/constant_hungr/hungry_starving/whatever the fuck he goes by now.
supporters of mirei touyama animations/brebear jones
people named Ry*n or Q**nn. sorry hhh
people who obsess over Dead by Daylight. (i have bad experiences with a person who really likes that game- i wont say full-on dni if you like it because thatd be pretty damn stupid, but if you constantly post about it please dont directly interact with me a lot)
im a minor !!
i have autism, adhd and anxiety, among other things. im heavily disabled in general and i also joke about that a lot- if you dont like it lol sucks to suck , its my experiences to cope with not yours
i have a hard time reading situations so if i say anything bad/unneeded/confusing PLEASE let me know i /srs do NOT mean any harm to anyone 😭-
tone tags r needed aaa
i am a childish freak <3
i embrace my cringe (even if i get embarrassed about it sometimes /silly). if i find you going out of your way to harass me or anyone i know for being """cringe""" I'll spam your askbox with OwOs and UwUs i am being completely fucking /srs.
i ignore unsolicited dms from people i dont know too well unless it's important
sometimes i delete asks if i dont know how to respond to them ;; i apologize
i block people who make me uncomfortable
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my fandoms:
the pink corruption/tpc
just shapes and beats/jsab
other smaller hyperfixations, some of which come and go
my tags:
#mmmramblez (rambles)
#art + #animation/#writing/#shitpost
#drawing ideas + #for later
my fandom tags:
#tpc shorts but also not [tpc]
#golds tpc designs [tpc] (posts with the original tag will be edited with this one soon)
#tpc episode [tpc] (i download tpc eps and put em in a google drive bc i REFUSE to give brebitch more views.)
#trongle stash [tpc + jsab] (if you dont want your posts/art in this tag please let me know & ill remove it/try to remember to not put your stuff in it)
#tpc cats end [tpc]
my blogs:
@pinkcorruption-verysillyedition (tpc incorrect quotes; submissions are always open, probably looking for mods too if it gets active again 😭)
@lemonboynotcavetown (Gold rp blog, very headcanon-heavy)
@8sided-insect (BUG RP BLOG!!!)
@pinkcorruptionconfessions (tpc confessions :D)
(there r other ones but uhh im not listing em theyre REALLY inactive </3
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FRIENDS & MOOTS!!!!! <333:
The Goobers <3
other friemds that are Just As Cool!!! :D
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me other socials:
discord: @/mugzymiik
youtube: @/mugzymiik
bluesky: @/mugzymiik
instagram: @/mugzymiik
deviantart: @/MugzyMiik
toyhouse: @/MugzyMiik
toyhouse (au edition): @/goldenuniverses
art fight: @/MugzyMiik
strawpage: @/mugzymiik
my discord server!!!
tpcblr discord server! (not mine)
miscellaneous stuff i also wanna say cus why not:
i am a Very Heavy Kinnie of Gold from TPC and the triangle player from JSaB :D and also Bug (tpc oc) too
^my headcanons go for Gold Kin™ too :help: i feel.....snak.
i fucking love cheese and ranch
#1 Mother Mother fan
im so normal about triangles trust
i own Bug hi /silly
i love everything you hate and/or cringe at :)
other stuff:
art Status
commissions: closed with exceptions (cashapp is currently fucking me over the head with receiving money)
art trades: open
requests: closed, only open at times when i say theyre open
art info
commission information (DM ME)
other post shit i made
my tpc headcanons
tpc google drive
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divider credits
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hyperions-light · 4 months ago
hello welcome to blog
If u r here for dragon age good news the unhinged posting will continue until morale improves
Next Rook Intro Hour (M + F Weekly): 3/7
Next WIP Wednesday Thursday (Weekly): 3/6
Next Bio(ware)feedback (Bi-Weekly): 3/8
Taash Week is from Monday, March 10th - Sunday, March 16th!
+ Come and create with me during Taash Week!
About the free writing workshop!
Stuff I Make:
Veilguard Meta
The Rook Intro Hour + Root Posts
Info + Writing About my Rook, Lethanavir de Riva
Make fic banners, put CTAs in your fics
How to write long fic comments
The Rook Story Time ask game + Thorne, de Riva, Mercar, Ingellvar, Laidir, Aldwir + Alternate Universes
My fanfiction on AO3
Play ask games with me!
You can buy me a coffee, if you want!
Tags under the cut
For spoilers: veilguard spoilers, datv spoilers, dragon age: the veilguard spoilers (I use the first one most, I'll do this for like... 6 mos?)
Dragon Age: dragon age, drgn ag (for shitposts), veilguard, DAI, DA2, DAO, DAA, the rook introduction hour (for ppls rook posts), [full character name], [ship portmanteau], Lethanavir de Riva (my rook)
One Piece: (I will attempt to remember to do this) One Piece, [full character name], [ship portmanteau]
I also have #text, which is me talking, #polls, #Lark is annoyed, and #reblogs (stuff I made I am reblogging again)
I don't tag most other stuff, bc this blog is VERY random, but if something is getting through your content filters and you'd like me to tag, send an ask!
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birdiebirdjay · 5 months ago
hey! call me aj or just jay. nicknames are cool too if we're friends! :) dms are always open! i love chatting with people
pronoun page
profile pic by cutegirlsart on insta, matching with my gf <3
please no donation asks! i'm unable to donate and the same goes for most of my followers/mututals.
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about my blog:
⁀☆ new theme for valentines day!
⁀➴ my main fandom is harry potter but you'll occasionally also get good omens or marvel posts
⁀☆ i talk about percy weasley and severus snape a lot
⁀➴ i LURVE lucius malfoy (minus the terrorism) and i think he was an awesome dad, actually
⁀☆ @birdiebirdtalks is my original content/fandom meta blog because i reblog a lot over here
⁀➴ i welcome friendly debates and have no qualms with people disagreeing with me as long as they're open to me debating back
⁀☆ i write stuff! requests are always open <3
⁀➴ i also shitpost a lot
⁀☆ send me asks!!! i'm bad at getting to them but i'll love you forever
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(about me under the cut - tdlr: i'm aj and i'm a silly little dude who loves his girlfriend)
about me:
⁀➴ i love my girlfriend
⁀☆ goofy silly whimsical but i do get angry sometimes sorry :(
⁀➴ south asian american
⁀☆ doefae is otp sorry i don't make the rules
⁀➴ feminist and i will throw hands if you disrespect women
⁀☆ i love my girlfriend
⁀➴ genderfluid dude
⁀☆ he/him or she/her are fine (i don't really mind how people perceive me)
⁀➴ i love my girlfriend
⁀☆ haver of the tism and the 80 hd's
⁀➴ martial artist and contortionist-in-training
⁀☆ i'm a remus lupin apologist and remadora is my guilty pleasure ship
⁀➴ did i mention i love my girlfriend?
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☆ i'm very rarely offended by anything (probably because the audhd doesn't let me understand offensive intentions ksjdjsjdh but i do appreciate tone tags and when people do the thing where they speak like an elcor) so feel free to ask really anything or just say hi :)
☆ fandoms/things i enjoy and will write about: harry potter (books) , good omens (book and show!!) , marvel (movies, phase 1-3 plus TFATWS and the loki show) , inception (movie) , free guy (movie) , teen beach movies 1 & 2 (movies, they're my go-to comfort) , peacock [2010] (movie) , over the garden wall (show)
☆ things i just enjoy: norse mythology! , community the tv show , ducktales (2017) , philosophy , ATLA (show) , and a lot of other stuff!! feel free to ask
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tag guide (wip):
#aj rambles - all the posts where i talk a lot about fandom stuff
#aj writes - my fics
#personal/#not fandom just aj - both are basically the same, just 'me' stuff
#asks - self explanatory
#the feels - sad stuff mostly
#happy bois - (bois gender neutral) just happy things/usually about characters
#its me im the happy bois - accompanies 'happy bois' for stuff that makes me happy
#gorgeous art <3 - my reblogs of cool artists!
#the doefae chronicles - relationship lore, mostly asks :3
#the wynn family - tag for mother wynn
#liren my buddy man
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